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Shaun Suchan
Lighting Designer
Metropolitan Museum of ArtNew York, New York | Metropolitan Museum of ArtNew York, New York | Shaanxi History MuseumXi'an, China |
Shaanxi History MuseumXi'an, China | Shaanxi History MuseumXi'an, China | Shaanxi History MuseumXi'an, China |
Shaanxi History MuseumXi'an, China | Wine and folklore Museum "A Possen"Bech-Kleinmacher, Luxembourg | Wine and folklore Museum "A Possen"Bech-Kleinmacher, Luxembourg |
Wine and folklore Museum "A Possen"Bech-Kleinmacher, Luxembourg | Wine and folklore Museum "A Possen"Bech-Kleinmacher, Luxembourg | Wine and folklore Museum "A Possen"Bech-Kleinmacher, Luxembourg |
Wine and folklore Museum "A Possen"Bech-Kleinmacher, Luxembourg |
Museum projects were done as an employee of Luxam - Lighting for Museums. You can visit the Luxam website at
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